Call for volunteers to help us in the local organization

We are actively seeking student staff members to assist in various aspects of the conference organization. The tasks assigned to student staff members will include:

– Assisting at the registration desk,
– Supporting panel sessions and poster sessions (e.g., technical support),
– Guiding conference attendees,
– Assisting with outreach events (e.g., robotics classes for children, guided tours for the general public),
– Assisting with social events.

Student staff participants will receive full conference registration and a participation certificate at the end of the event, which possibly could be considered for doctoral credits. This presents a valuable opportunity for students to directly engage with and attend an international conference.

If you are interested in volunteering, apply by email to with the following documents:

– CV (in pdf)
– proof of current employment or attendance at a University or academic institution (in pdf)
– letter of support from one of your professors or supervisors (in pdf)

Applications missing those documents will be ignored.
Volunteers should be available during the 3 days of the conference. Please note that there are no funds or resources available for reimbursement of travel expenses, accommodation. Volunteers are expected to cover these expenses.

Deadline for application: 1 September 2024.

2024 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots