We invite proposals for half-day or full-day workshops/tutorials during Humanoids 2024. The workshop and tutorial sessions are aimed at exploring the frontiers of recent or emerging topics related to humanoid robotics, with the scope detailed in the conference’s Call for Papers. To maximize participation, workshops/tutorials will run on the first day of the conference, Friday, November 22, 2024. Tutorials will be particularly appreciated this year as the conference will be near the euRobin hackathon. We encourage workshops and tutorials that will promote exchanges and interactions between presenters and participants. Proposals with a diverse set of speakers including balances between (i) junior and senior presenters, (ii) genders, (iii) geographic location, (iv) race and ethnicity, and (v) industry and academia, will be preferred.

proposal template: To submit a workshop/tutorial proposal, please use this template: download here: Humanoids-2024-Workshop-Template .docx

Submission Deadline: The proposals should be submitted electronically via PaperPlaza no later than 23:59 Pacific time on July 17th July 3rd, 2024. Proposals can be re-uploaded any number of times before the deadline.

Please contact Workshop Co-Chairs Noémie Jaquier (noemie.jaquier@kit.de) and Olivier Stasse (olivier.stasse@laas.fr) for more information.

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

2024 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots